
I am recognised as an expert in my field and often contacted by media to discuss my work in relation to current events, including by the BBC, New York Times, Washington Post, and Bloomberg.

I welcome media enquiries at s.calkin [at] 

Recent pieces I have written, or in which I am quoted, are available below. 

The Baffler 74

For The Baffler magazine, I wrote a longform narrative piece following four people through the world of self-managed abortion and online abortion pill networks. "What's in a Pill?" is published The Baffler issue 74, available online and in print. 

Ms. Magazine

For Ms. magazine, I wrote on Alliance for Hipocratic Medicine vs. FDA - the upcoming mifepristone case at the US Supreme Court -  to explain the case and offer an analysis of what the court's ruling will mean for medication abortion access. 

Folha de São Paolo

I spoke to a Brazilian journalist for Folha de São Paolo, Brazil's largest newspaper, about medication abortion and the impact of the new Trump administration on access. 

France 24

I spoke to a French journalist for France24 about ongoing legal battles in the USA over telemedicine abortion and shield laws for abortion providers. 

KCRW Los Angeles

I was a guest on the Scheer Intelligence podcast, where I was interviewed about my new book. The show is available as podcast and video. 


France24 published a Q&A with me about the US Supreme Court's decision to hear a case on the availability of abortion pills in 2024. 

The Majority Report

I was interviewed on the progressive talkshow The Majority Report to discuss my new book and the status of abortion pills in the USA today. 

WBAI New York

I appeared on Leonard Lopate At Large, on WBAI New York, for an hour-long interview about my new book. The interview is available to download here.

KALW San Francisco 

I was interviewed about my new book on KALW San Francisco's Your Call with Rose Aguilar. The interview is available to listen here. 

The Conversation

I wrote in The Conversation on the global trajectory for abortion rights, in light of the Mexican Supreme Court's ruling.

New York Times

I was interviewed about my research in Ireland and Poland, where I have written about the changing political relationships between church, state, and women's movements. 

Washington Post

In this Q&A about my work, I discussed my research on self-managed abortiton and its impact on the politics of abortion in countries with restrictive laws. 


I was interviewed in the wake of the leaked Dobbs decision, to give context on what the US reproductive rights movement might learn from recent progressive abortion reforms in other countries. 

The Guardian

In the aftermath of the leaked Dobbs opinion, I was interviewed about the implications of overturning Roe and the impact of self-managed abortion. 


I appeared on the radio show BBC Woman's Hour to provide context about the prosecution of Polish abortion activist Justyna Wydrzyńska.


I was interviewed by FRANCE24 for a feature story on the history of the medication abortion pill, mifepristone. 

The Independent

I published a piece after the Polish Constitutional Tribunal's anti-abortion ruling, to explain the impact of the law and the practical strategies Poles use to obtain abortion today. 


Counterpunch published an interview about my new book, Abortion Pills Go Global, and the research process behind it. 


The book recommendation site Shepherd published my list of five best books on reproductive rights, as well as my three best reads of 2023 list. 

National Public Radio 

I appeared on the radio show The World from NPR to give context on the changing relationship between church and state in Ireland and Poland, in relation to abortion.

The Telegraph

I was interviewed about my research on abortion-access strategies in Poland, providing some historical and legal context to understand current developments. 

The Independent

Two years after Ireland's abortion reform, I published a piece discussing the positive impacts of the law and its limitations that mean many Irish people still travel abroad for abortion.